Waffles with the cream,
Waffles with the fruits,
Gatinaises Waffles,
Waffles "House",
Waffles of New Year's day,
Waffles of All Saints' day,
Waffles with buttermilk,
Wafers with the cream,
Laminated wafers,
Waffle of Grandmother,
Rollers of "Ninie Mom",
Sweetened fine Waffle,
Waffle with syrup,
Gaufrettes filled,
Soft Waffle,
The word "waffles", borrowed from francic, means honeycomb of bee.
Today, one more readily assimilates it to this delicious mean
and light pastry making, cooked with the gaufrier.
NB: The francique one is the
language of the old Franks, forming part of the Germanic
The yeast:
The ideal is to use fresh yeast. You can find some in great
surfaces with the fresh ray or quite simply in the bakers. The latter
large-scale consumer yeast are numerous to resell some for the
pleasure of their customers.
The yeast is cultivated industrially, by using molasses - a
residue of the industry of sugar - as raw material. The yeast is
obtained starting from a unicellular culture, that one makes grow in
laboratory in increasingly large quantities. Being a living
organism, the yeast cannot be preserved indefinitely. The fresh
yeast is particularly sensitive to the conditions of storage.
The ideal is to store yeast in a clean refrigerator, between 3
and 10°C, where it can be preserved up to 4 weeks.
You can also freeze fresh
yeast and preserve it several weeks even a few months. The yeast
being an alive micro-organism, by freezing it, you kill it but his
chemical capacity although weakened is preserved. It will
consequently be necessary for you to put 1/3 of yeast in to arrive
more at the same result as with fresh yeast.
The yeast fraiche is thus an alive substance which multiplies in
the paste where it draws its food, mainly sugar that it transforms
while releasing from the carbon dioxide which will inflate the paste.
It works best at a temperature ranging between 25 and 30 degrees
approximately. It generally improves the taste of the finished
product but requires 2 to 3 a.m. to reach its optimum result.
For the others, there remains the dry
or chemical yeast. That is appropriate to you
just as easily but you will need approximately 2
times more time than with fresh yeast to make raise
your paste.
The brewers' yeast or baking powder is a mixture of one and
tartaric acid, bicarbonate of soda stabilizing like the corn starch.
There exists about it much of other formulas. As soon as
it is added to the wet paste, the ingredients react at once and
release from the carbon dioxide which inflates the paste. It
will thus have always to be added to the last minute and to cook at
once if not the gas will be échapera. Advantages : speed.
Disadvantage, in the event of excess, it gives a back gôut
unpleasant to the finished product.
Proportionings of the one and the other are different and are
given on commercial packing.
Sugar sawdust comes from standard granulated sugar which
compressed, is dried and subjected to a long maturation. Then,
it is crushed and filtered, to separate the various gauges. It
is a very pure sugar, of aspect chechmate, characterized by a
structure of particles rounded and a very great granulometric
To see with what that resembles and to have more
information: Visit the page "sweetens sawdust" of the Tirelemenont sugar refinery.
Beaded sugar is obtained starting from standard granulated
sugar, after humidification, compression, drying and crushing.
Then, sugar obtained is filtered and beaded are thus separated
from the sawdusts, before being polished. Beaded sugar is
characterized by its very high purity (standards E.E.C. n°1) and is
characterized by an optimal hardness obtained by the cold moulding
with very high pressure and by a very long progressive drying.
P4 granulometry: 5.6 - 8 mm
To see with what that resembles and to have
more information: Visit the page "sweetens beaded" of the Tirelemenont sugar refinery.
and Couplet.
For the private individuals and small trade: - French firm OCOR proposes a whole range of gaufrier to you:
Fine wafer, Gaufrette, Waffle with sugar, the fruits, of
Brussels, of fair, in heart, round, etc
This mark is distributed in Belgium by the
Dielec firm located in Liege.
- Belgian firm AMPI offers a beautiful emectric range of gaufrier but also with gas!
- firm HVD in Brussels
offers broad choice of gaufriers whose much to gas.
For the industrialists: - machineries for industrial gaufrery are proposed by the Belgian firm Acemal.
Make heat the gaufrier between 10 and 15 minutes
according to the model.
Once hot iron, highly deposit the necessary quantity of
paste so as to fill the mould with the short-nap cloth of the cells
(do not put any too much to avoid the overflows). Fold back the 2ième plate.
If the apparatus allows it, reverse the gaufrier on his
hinge: at this time, the paste goes down at the bottom from the
cells from the lid and cooking is very regular.
Maintain the apparatus closed during approximately 10
Cooking requires according to the type of gaufrier and the
receipt from 2 to 5 minutes.
When the waffle seems cooked (cad gilded well), detach it
highly and pose to it a few moments on a grid. It becomes quickly hard and crusty then.
The tips:
The waffles are better tepid, but can nevertheless be
consumed in the hours which follow cooking.
If you wish to eat them cold, cook
them a little longer.
To give a key particular to your preparation, do not
hesitate to scent the paste with water of flower of orange tree, a
piece of lemon peel, rum, vanilla sugar...
The waffle is a pleasure which is tasted at any hour of
the day and all the fashions!
Nature, powdered with sugar or nappée of jam, it will put good
mood with the breakfast to you.
To "four hour",
furnished with whipped cream and fruits fresh (of the cutters e.g.),
it will make the happiness of small and large.
Nappée of a sauce to the chocolate with a spoonful of ice
vanilla or of a syrup (of Liege e.g.), it will constitute an excellent
In a word, the waffle is changeable and can be eat in
many different ways.
The Liégeois waffle is this thick waffle which a number
among you appreciates since their youth.
Ingredients For 15 to 25 waffles
1 kg of flour
75 yeast gr.
5 dl of milk and water (moderate)
50 sugar gr. sawdust (fin/semoule)
2 eggs
500 margarine gr. even much
50 honey gr.
10 salt gr.
vanillin or grooves
3 bicarbonate of soda gr.
600 beaded sugar gr. (large)
Make a paste leaven with 800gr of flour, the
yeast, 5 water and milk dl, sugar sawdust and the eggs
or then a visitor (Jean-Jacque D.) us
his 20 years entrusted old receipt: 1) margarine or butter (do
not hesitate) + sugar + vanilla 2) eggs 3) flour 4) yeast + milk or
water 5) sweetens beaded
Let push during 15 minutes then to add the
margarine, honey, 200gr of flour, salt and vanilla as well as
bicarbonate of soda
Knead the whole to obtain a homogeneous paste and
let push during 10 minutes in a moderate place
or knead "short" if not your paste is likely to
become too elastic
Add then beaded sugar and divide into lumps of 90
with 140gr according to the iron you have and let push a little
Make cook with soft fire for large waffles and
with good fire for irons with not very deep meshs.
The brotherhood of waffle of Liege proposes 2 other receipts to you.
Make boil 1/4 of liter of milk with 1/4 of
vanilla stick and let warm
There in a salad bowl, put 125gr flour, mix 4 egg
yolks, a pinch of salt and one cuillèrée with sugar coffee
There water milk and then 100 gr. of molten
Work the whole to obtain a quite smooth paste in
which you will delicately mix the 4 egg whites beaten in very firm
Make heat the goffering iron on an average
position and butter it slightly
Pour paste there and make cook and gild on the 2
Powder with beaded sugar or impalpable sugar and
are useful hot!.
NB: The lightness of waffle of
Brussels is due especially to the whipped egg whites. Thus, the
mixture of the white must be made with the most possible precaution in
order not to break foam!
In addition to sugar (beaded or impalpable), you can cover it
with fresh cream or, in season, cutters.
When the yeast is quite molten without grumeaux,
add four egg yolks, a pinch of salt, a strong soup spoon of caster
sugar, a little vanilla, and liquor glass of good Cognac. Water
well the whole and incorporate then 250 gr. of flour.
When it is well absorbed, add 125 slightly molten butter
Finally, add 4 quite firm egg whites in snow
Let raise to the double
Make cook, in an iron with average meshs, and
serve waffles powdered with fine sugar or brown sugar.
Make a fountain with the flour and deposit there
sugar, the eggs, softened butter, a pinch of canelle and one of salt
Mix initially butter, sugar, the eggs, then
incorporate the flour gradually
Once your paste mixed and finished well, make a
large ball and let put back it with the expenses during 2 hours
Prepare your table by powdering it with flour.
Divide the paste then of pieces of the size of a nut, roll
them in the shape of cigar and put them on the table that you powdered
beforehand with flour
Make heat a goffering iron with fine grooves and
make cook
- Old receipt from the old guide "the patissière
of the small households"
They are done with a paste which must have the
consistency of milk, and in which enter:
14 parts of flour, 16 parts of pulverized sugar and the cream in
sufficient quantity.
One aromatizes with the gasoline which one wants, one heats a
gaufrier and one slightly lubricates it with melted butter; one
puts for each waffle a spoonful and half of the paste and one makes
One turns over the gaufrier for waffle also colours oneself on
the two sides.
When it is cooked, one withdraws waffle with the blade of a
knife, one extends it any heat in the forms and one puts it to dry.
One can, if one wants, still powder it with sugar.
- Old receipt from the old guide "the patissière
of the small households"
In tepid beer glass, water 30 yeast gr. which you
will jeterez in the following mixture:
Pour one by one, while stirring up highly with a spatula, 10 egg
yolks in a hot melted butter book.
When this liquid foams, add 150 200 and caster sugar gr., gr. of
flour, and let rest until this paste doubled of volume.
There add then 8 beaten egg whites and glass and half of crême
Make copper with the flat gaufrier, like the preceding
- Old receipt from the old guide "the patissière
of the small households"
With 500 grams of vanilla sugar or citronné, 500
grams of cleaned and crushed almonds, six egg whites and a salt grain,
made a running paste.
When it is well worked, make on a buttered plate of the rounds
from 4 to 6 centimetres in diameter, that you cook yourselves with
merry furnace.
When they took a beautiful color, discharge, give to waffles the
form horns, leave refroidri and fill them of cream or frost.
- Old receipt from the old guide "the patissière
of the small households"
Beat together: a book of flour, as much of,
2 hectogramme caster sugar of cream and water of flower of orange
The mixture must be liquid and without grumeaux; if it is
too thick, one adds cream to it.
Put, for each waffle, a spoonful and half of paste in a gaufrier
lubricated with fresh butter and make cook on a coal fire.
If one does not want to sweeten the paste, one will have, after
cooking, to powder waffles with sugar.